From the streets to success

About us
Stichting Imikaaa, From the Streets to Success, aims to improve the living conditions of street children and orphans in Uganda. Hereby we support Mama Justine and her project Agape Vulnerable Children in Kampala. We help her and the children on their way to success. Inspired by the global goals of the United Nations, we want to contribute to better living conditions, chance of education, enough food, clean water and sanitation and good health and well-being.
Besides taking care of her own seven children, Mama Justine also takes care of a big group of orphans en streetchildren. With a lot of love she gives them shelter, she makes sure that they get enough food and she takes on the role of a ´mother´ for them. All of this with the limited resources that they have. For these people in Uganda it is not easy to earn money, but Mama Justine tries to do this in several ways.
She learned how to make yoghurt which she can sell in the neighbourhood. Besides that she also makes clothes and slippers to sell as well. All of these things she does with the help of the children.
Still, this is not enough to provide all the kids with enough food, a save place to stay and a chance to go to school.
All help is needed for this!
Education is very important to offer children a better future. Mama Justine wants nothing more than to be able to send all children to school. Unfortunately this is not always possible. The one moment the children where able to go to school, but another moment they were being chased away because of a lack of money. That is not the way it should be!
With the donations we get, we want to make sure that all children can go to school. Not occasionally, but all the time!
Besides a chance of education it is also important to have a safe place to stay. But to provide a home for a group of more than 20 people is for an average Ugandan mother almost impossible. Especially for the vulnerable children a safe home is very important.
First they had to live in some goat barn, but, with all the help we get, we can help them to stay in a better and safer place. Because of the donations we can pay the monthly rent of the house. With this we can take away a great concern of Mama Justine.